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What will she say next?

  • January 3, 2024
  • By Donielle
What will she say next?

Since my most popular post of last year features the sometimes clever, sometimes alarming, always hilarious things my small child says, I figured I would give you a round 2 to start your new year with a smile full of Say Whats?. Here are a few more of my favorites sayings from the six year old who critiques my cooking like she is on the British Baking Show:

  1. “Mom, I am going out to my swing. When I am swinging I feel peace and my heart is not full of envy.” Who else needs a swing?
  2. Mom, when I treat others like I want to be treated, they don’t treat me like I want to be treated. What am I supposed to do then?” Hmmmmm. Turn the other cheek? Or turn the cheek with your fist? Tough one.
  3. “Can dogs be allergic to humans?” Great question. What did the dog say?
  4. Do you love me and my sisters all the same temperature?” Yep, sure do.
  5. She was playing the Good Shepherd and made our dog the runaway sheep (named Gouda). She yelled, “I am leaving the 39 behind to find you, Gouda!” True to the stubborn nature of sheep, Gouda is hiding under my chair and doesn’t want to be found. She looks down at the sheepskin rug I keep on the living room floor and screams, “Ahhhhh! Somebody killed him and skinned him!” Good one, kid. Now I laugh every time I look at the rug.
  6. When asked if she dresses up her dog, she shook her head. “My dog is not fancy. My dog is important.” The dog agrees.
  7. She fetched something from the other room for me. I said, “Thanks a million.” She asked, “A million what? Dollars?” I said, “No. A million thanks.” She responded, “I prefer dollars.” Yeah, me too, kid.

And one from my 7 year old nephew

We were watching the Thanksgiving Day parade together. He got excited, “Look! Here comes the American flag!” Then be began to patriotically hum the Indiana Jones theme.

Happy new year! May your year be blessed with laughter!

By Donielle, January 3, 2024
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