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What to do on St. Patrick’s Day (free maze)!

  • March 15, 2019
  • By Donielle
What to do on St. Patrick’s Day (free maze)!

St. Patrick was an amazing guy and it is a shame to spend March 17th in a drunken revelry. I cringe at goofy, irreverent, and downright shameful ways people celebrate this day. But what should you do on St. Patrick’s day?

  1. Read the story of St. Patrick. There are a number of tellings. Here is an interesting one for older kids. Here is a brief version for youngsters.
  2. I love this article’s ideas about reading and praying St. Patrick’s famous prayer, and praying for an unreached people group. Patrick was an evangelist, so focus on evangelism for the day.
  3. St. Patrick’s Day is a good day to delve into a brief history of Ireland. This timeline is helpful.
  4. Watch Veggie Tales brief intro on St. Patrick! It is on their “Sumo of the Opera” DVD, YouTube, or the link above. I like that link because it includes study questions.
  5. You want a recipe, don’t you? Fine, here you go: Sugar and Cloth’s Lucky Charms’ treats.

6. Enjoy’s St. Patrick’s Day worksheets. They have given us a free maze download! Help your little leprechauns figure out how to get their gold with this fun St. Patrick’s day maze. For more creative learning resources, go to! Print it, use it, and share the link!

By Donielle, March 15, 2019
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