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To My Daughter on Her Highschool Graduation

  • May 22, 2024
  • By Donielle
To My Daughter on Her Highschool Graduation

Dear Summer,

What an busy last couple of months it has been! And I am so excited to see what the future holds for my wise, funny, intelligent, creative, nurturing, kind, loving, talented, and beautiful daughter. Remember when we sang to each other, whole conversations, instead of talking? Okay, so maybe that was the other day, but I treasure all of our fond memories: turning bath time into “car washes”, turning making dinner into a gourmet restaurant, painting to our favorite classical music, and harmonizing to anything and everything. You were born a bundle of Florida sunshine. The clouds can come quickly and suddenly, but just as quickly they are gone.

I am excited to see what the Lord does with your many gifts and talents. You know that to whom much is given, much is required. Everything from prom queen to highschool SGA president has given you a platform with which to glorify God. College and the rest of life will be no different. You are no honorable mention, my girl. Keep sharing wise, biblical counsel. You have already made a difference in so many friends’ lives. I love the way you take challenges head on. And those ones that give you pause, well, there is wisdom there, too. We depend on Jesus, not on ourselves. When we do that, there is no place for fear.

I know that the end of senior year has been a whirlwind of fun, hard work, and new things. The home stretch of highschool has been a rollercoaster of sheer joy and low tears of overwhelm, not sure if you could get it all done by the deadlines. But you were never alone, were you? The same God that gave you the support of loving family, gave you the perseverance and hope to carry on.

I joke that I see so much of Dad in you, and none of it in your looks, but I am almost afraid to admit the parallels we share. But I will gladly admit where you excel me. When I grow up, I want to have your ability to identify your feelings and speak the truth in love. I wish I had your confidence at your age and am so thankful to God and to your dad for instilling that in you.

There are still some major decisions to be made in the near future. But take a minute to look back and enjoy the many happy, exciting memories highschool has brought. Remember the Lord’s goodness, thank Him for His mercy (you know, those ones that are new every morning), and trust Him for your future. You don’t have to know exactly what the future looks like right now. You have a lot of rocks in your life, including THE Cornerstone. Lean into the adventure. Go ahead and make the waves that we know you will. We will hold steady for you. Now, to Him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, we send off our arrow. She’s a petite one, but she is fierce!

By Donielle, May 22, 2024
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