Let’s start by saying that I love the classical education model. It has done well for my children. I use it. But, I have observed a few problems and I want those who use the method to be aware of the pitfalls. If I am
mapping out a classical education journey for you, I want to also mark the danger spots to help you avoid them.
democracy will turn into tyranny and that democracy bankrupts itself. Roman thought requires domination and war mongering. Classical education is much more useful to show us where we have been and why we think and act as we do. It serves to show us noble examples of the best of men, like my personal favorite, Cincinnatus. It does not give us a governmental system that will usher in utopia.
Many of the classics that we read were written from a humanist perspective. Humanism is inherently self-centered. If your curriculum is faith-based, be like the Bereans and measure everything against the standard of God’s Word. Follow philosophies to their logical conclusion with your students and critique thoroughly. Enjoy your classics and avoid the potholes!
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