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middle school

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Middle School Brain

Middle School Brain

The brain of a middle school child has great potential when pruned in the right direction.

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By Donielle, October 17, 2019
The Surprising Way to Develop Critical Thinking

The Surprising Way to Develop Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is actually analysis and synthesis. It is making distinctions and seeing resemblances. Critical thinking is comparing and contrasting. The amount of decisions involved in the procedure is what develops critical thinking.

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By Donielle, June 22, 2019
  • 1

Productive Middle School Years

Think back to your middle school years.  Yeah, I do not want to dwell there too long either.  I was a sensitive kid, so everything every other insecure child spewed at me stung badly.  Fortunately, I was homeschooled, so the instances were rare.  But the middle school years are a tremendous blessing to homeschooling parents….

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By Donielle, October 1, 2016
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