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  • 4 Articles
Teaching Kids Peace

Teaching Kids Peace

What is our goal as Christian moms?  Because the wrong goal sets us off on the wrong course. What if my goal is to have a happy, peaceful home?  This sounds reasonable. Anger is blocked goals, right?  Who in your family is able to block that picturesque goal of peace?  Every one of your children…

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By Donielle, October 21, 2023
Co-op Planning: Dreams to Reality

Co-op Planning: Dreams to Reality

It’s time to turn your co-op dreams into reality. Let’s start planning!

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By Donielle, July 22, 2022
Setting Goals that are Actually Useful

Setting Goals that are Actually Useful

It’s a new year. That means a goal setting session as a family. We sit down with colorful cardstock and markers and set goals. We have learned a lot through years of going through this process. We’ve learned to set realistic goals, while still reaching high. We have learned to write out steps that will…

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By Donielle, January 18, 2019
  • 4
Off to the Homeschool Convention

Off to the Homeschool Convention

Getting the most out of your big homeschool convention – saving time and money!

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By Donielle, May 23, 2018
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