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curriculum reviews

  • 2 Articles
Why I Love Analytical Grammar

Why I Love Analytical Grammar

Let’s start with a maybe not so obvious point – grammar is important. Why is it important to know a direct object from an indirect one? A prepositional phrase from a state of being verb? Well, besides understanding what just happened when someone corrects your grammar, grammar is the basis for all (western) languages. If…

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By Donielle, March 22, 2019
More great resources for young children

More great resources for young children

Hey there, hard working parents!  My goal in this series is to save you time and money.  There is nothing worse than plunking down big bucks for a curriculum that your kid hated or that bored you to tears.  I will share my favorites working from the early years on up.  These are great whether…

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By Donielle, August 17, 2016
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