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classical music

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Halloween October Classical Music Playlist

Halloween October Classical Music Playlist

If you are anything like us, we do not like the scary, creepy things on display on October 31st. As a family of dedicated thespians we DO like to dress up. And we are big fans of candy. And pumpkins: pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread, pumpkin donuts, etc. Those funny, roundish blobs of bright orange happiness…

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By Donielle, October 30, 2024
Art Learning Placemats are here!

Art Learning Placemats are here!

Introducing our fine art placemats! Art and music education in the simplest format for all ages!

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By Donielle, December 27, 2021
Teach Your Kids to Love Opera part 2

Teach Your Kids to Love Opera part 2

Here is the second part of Teachinf Kids to Love Opera.

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By Donielle, April 26, 2021
Teach Your Kids to Love Opera

Teach Your Kids to Love Opera

A short opera appreciation course for you and your kids!

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By Donielle, March 31, 2021
Playtime with Jesus Devotions Fingerplays!

Playtime with Jesus Devotions Fingerplays!

Here are videos to demonstrate the fingerplays for Playtime with Jesus, Devotions for the Littlest Ones.

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By Donielle, February 13, 2021
Listening to Classical Music with Kids

Listening to Classical Music with Kids

Here are 5 fun things to do while listening to classical music with your kids.

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By Donielle, February 6, 2021
How To Help Your Kids Enjoy Classical Music

How To Help Your Kids Enjoy Classical Music

Most parents realize there are benefits to listening to classical music.  And if not, read my post here.  But how do you foster a love of Bach, Beethoven and Mozart?  There is no magic formula, but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve.  First of all, if you have never found anything in that…

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By Donielle, February 3, 2017
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