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Weighing the Value of Mass Produced Worship Music

Weighing the Value of Mass Produced Worship Music

By Summer Kazim I stood in church, blankly staring towards the stage as the band played the bridge of “All Hail King Jesus”. Normally I would have been lifting my hands and shouting the lyrics, but today I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Why bother if this is all just meant to make me…

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By Donielle, July 5, 2024
Worship for Kids

Worship for Kids

I love the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary definition of worship: To honor with extravagant love and extreme submission.  It’s a verb! Worship comes from the Old Saxon word “worth ship,” meaning something we would assign worth or value to.  To worship God is to assign the proper worth to God. Worship should be extravagant! My mother…

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By Donielle, March 31, 2023
Anchoring Kids in God’s Word

Anchoring Kids in God’s Word

Here is my compilation of fun ideas for anchoring your kids in God’s word.

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By Donielle, November 26, 2022
Introducing Playtime with Jesus!

Introducing Playtime with Jesus!

Playtime with Jesus, Devotions for the Littlest Ones is available now on Kindle!

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By Donielle, January 15, 2021
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