Ephesians 4:24: Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. The image of God is shockingly absent in all other world religions. In Judaism it is an unfulfilled image. Images of God are suspect in every way in Islam, so to examine what it means to be an image bearer…
Introducing the simplest way to integrate the arts into your curriculum!
Here are ten homeschool co-op activities that work better when meeting indoors!
Here are videos to demonstrate the fingerplays for Playtime with Jesus, Devotions for the Littlest Ones.
If truth and goodness are objective, beauty must be as well.
Play dough recipe with tea, herbs, and flowers for preschool brain and motor skills development.
Introducing our Never A Doll Moment YouTube channel!
How to make art museums fun!
New! Ancient Art, Music, and Poetry Supplement is now available! Dismiss
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