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Scripture Memory Tools

  • August 4, 2017
  • By Donielle
Scripture Memory Tools

I would love to be a better version of myself.  I long to be self controlled, to have a handy word of advice for those who seek it, to avoid the daily pitfalls of selfishness, anger, and fear.  Wouldn’t you?  God commands us to hide His Word in our hearts so that we won’t sin against Him.

Surrounding ourselves with scripture is a great idea.  Vickie at tells us to leave our Bibles open on the counter for quick bursts of the Word.   But we know memorizing scripture is the best way to have it when we need it.  Most of us are not so great at that, though.  Or at least not disciplined enough to make memorizing practical.  So let’s talk about a few tools that make hiding God’s word in your heart a bit easier.

Music is the most obvious tool to assist memorization.  There are a number of albums available that do just that.  My older kids grew up listening to Steve Green’s Hide ‘Em In Your Heart 1/Hide ‘Em In Your Heart 2 CD.  They are scripture verses set to simple, fun, quality music.  A friend recently introduced me to  These scripture memory songs are beautifully orchestrated and straightforward.  We have also used the pop sounding memory work CD that comes with the Passport 2 Purity program.  Recently we ran across a great song for memorizing the Beatitudes, among other well known passages at  Seeds Family Worship is also worth a listen.  Music CDs are an effortless, sort of passive way for your kids to learn verses.  Play them in the car often and they memorize with even realizing what they are doing.  By the way, the same principle works for those slightly inappropriate songs you love and let play in front of the kids on a stressful car ride.

A car ride is perfect for memorizing a scripture song.

Beyond music there are some great memory cards.  There are lovely ones available, beautifully illustrated or with fun graphics like or

Memory systems are comprehensive so that you learn and review scores of verses if you are disciplined to keep at it.  Simply Charlotte Mason has a family memory system    I know dozen of verses from my teen years from using the very visual system of, where the cards feature visual clues to trigger your memory.

There are even Bible memory apps!  “Remember Me” is a free app that my kids use for memorization.  It takes words out, one by one, until you can type the entire verse.  “Verses”  unlocks levels, giving a game-like feel.  “Scripture Typer” reminds you to review verses already memorized, because you have to use it if you don’t want to lose it!

Create a family memorization contest!

Whatever you do, try something!  Hang verses in every room of your house.  I pick a theme verse or passage each school year to memorize.  You can start small, but start today!

By Donielle, August 4, 2017
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  • Vickie Estler
    August 5, 2017

    Thank you DONIELLE for the shout out! And, music is a wonderful memorization tool, so easy to do while driving to and fro. My kids used to sometimes argue on the to school until we sang praise sings, then instead of stomping out and slamming the car door, they exited singing! Thank you for all the great resource tools!

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