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Scholarships for homeschoolers

  • September 16, 2016
  • By Donielle
Scholarships for homeschoolers

What does nearly every homeschool student really need as they near graduation?  Scholarships!  If you have a student in highschool or know someone with a homeschooled highschool student, forward them this post!  The cost of higher education has become unbelievable.

If it is highschool, it is time to start thinking about scholarships!

If it is highschool, it is time to start thinking about scholarships!

There are four scholarships available exclusively to homeschool graduates.  These scholarships are offered by the Home Education Recognition Organization, Inc.  (HERO).  They offer scholarships in three areas:  Craig Dickinson Memorial Scholarship for academic achievement, Mason Lighthouse (which is named for my mother) for community, church and family service, and the State of the Arts for achievement in the arts.  Now there is a brand new Sandy Hancock Scholarship, too!  Each award is

Arts, academic and service scholarships are available!

Arts, academic and service scholarships are available!

$1,000.00.  The deadline to apply each year is March 1st and awards are given in May of each year.  Applicants must be graduating from a homeschool program, having been homeschooled for at least two years and be residents of the United States.  You can download an application at

There are other homeschool scholarships, but they are local awards.  Of course, there are lots of scholarships available to all students of any school.  Keep your ears open and keep searching.  But it is great to know that there are a few out there reserved for homeschool graduates.  And if you would like to support scholarships for homeschoolers, HERO would love your tax deductible donation, which can be sent here:  Let’s help some terrific kids get some college money!

By Donielle, September 16, 2016
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