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Our Gender Reveal Popsicles

  • January 9, 2017
  • By Donielle
Our Gender Reveal Popsicles

We succumbed to the trend.  My hip twenty-something sister had a gender reveal instead of a baby shower.  It was lots of fun to bite into a Boston Creme cupcake and discover the filling was blue.  So since we have two girls and just about everyone in our family and friends prayed for,

Two of my sisters demonstrate!

hoped for and told us we were having a boy, but Gary and I believed we were having a girl, we knew finding out the sex would be lots of fun for everyone.  We found out what we were having Tuesday and since secrets of that nature tend to slip out, we planned a family lunch reveal party for Sunday afternoon.

My husband had the fun idea of writing boy or girl and the end of the wooden popsicle stick and making blue and pink pops.  Then each person could pick the color of their vote.  So I took my food safe markers and wrote the gender on the end of the stick.  Then I made pink pops with only half diluted lemonade concentrate and frozen strawberries in the blender.  Blue was a little more difficult.  Blueberries made the pops purple.  I had to resort to the half diluted lemonade with a little food coloring and a few of the tiny wild blueberries thrown in for looks.  I poured them in the waxed “Dixie” style cups, covered them in foil so I would have something to hold the wooden pop sticks up with, and inserted the sticks.  It was easier when I poked a hole in the foil with a small knife first.  I let them freeze a full

Everyone ate down to the stick to find out the gender.

24 hours before I peeled off the cup from around the pops and left them in the freezer until show time.

On Sunday we passed them out according to everyone’s vote (three for pink, 10 for blue).  The food coloring did dye the stick so that the blue were harder to read than the pink.  A lighter shade of blue would have been better.  My dad thought it read “dog”.  My husband and my dolls already knew the answer, so they were free to snap pictures.

Happy and excited to be the parents of Baby Doll!

Everyone seemed pretty surprised at reading “GIRL!”.  We plan to enjoy every moment of our big surprise, final fling, little bit later in life Baby Doll.  Thank you so much for rejoicing with us!  The nausea is slowly subsiding and she looks healthy.  Thanks for your prayers!

By Donielle, January 9, 2017
  • 7
Don't Worry, Be Happy
How to be Renewed
  • Diana
    January 9, 2017

    Good thing your having a girl, “doll” wouldn’t make sense with boy. Lol.

    • Donielle
      January 12, 2017

      I was scratching my head, waiting to find out boy or girl, wondering how an action hero might fit in my theme!

  • Terri Brevda
    January 10, 2017

    What beautiful, joyful news!!! I am so thrilled and smiling really big now!!!!
    Oh I am so happy for you, the girls, your family and what a lucky baby to have such a loving, enriching family to be born into and share life with!
    All the best and wishing you an easy, fun wait!

    • Donielle
      January 12, 2017

      Thanks so much! Can’t wait to show her off to you in August for the annual lecture at Joe DiMaggio!

  • JeannienFreddy
    January 10, 2017

    Hmmm….well they say third time is a charm…but who’s to say that this will be your last child…God has a way with Him…He likes to fill the homes of awesome people. God bless you, so happy for you guys-this has been a brighter Christmas full of Miracles, so happy He chose you. xox

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