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Off to the Homeschool Convention

  • May 23, 2018
  • By Donielle
Off to the Homeschool Convention

It’s that time of year again – homeschool convention time! It’s time to refresh and renew ourselves with some straight talk, some shiny, new resources still shrink wrapped and smelling like the printing press, and a few days away from home. This year we are privileged to have almost all of our co-op moms attending! Here are my tips, after attending homeschool conventions for 25 years.

1. Stay as close to the convention center as possible. If it is at a hotel and the budget allows, splurge and stay there to make everything easy for you. I need to roll out of bed and right into the workshops or exhibit hall.

2. Go into the exhibit hall with a list of what you need. Leave your wallet in the hotel room until you are ready to buy. Before you buy some cool, new gadgets make yourself wait a few hours.

3. The best deals are right before closing time. It is a pain to pack up merchandise. Small companies would rather sell their stuff at a small discount.

4. Take notes about everything. Jot down ideas for reading lists, things to research, and vendor’s tips on using the curriculum. Refer to your notes when you get home and several times throughout your planning times.

5. Bring water and snacks! It is difficult to make decisions or learn anything when you are hungry or thirsty and faced with buying over-priced, unhealthy vending machine snacks or some interesting books.

Enjoy and happy learning, renewing, and shopping!

By Donielle, May 23, 2018
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