I had three books on my list to read this summer (besides reading Oliver Twist aloud to my girls). I enjoyed all three:
- The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity Meg Meeker, M.D. I appreciated the unique perspective of a medical doctor. She speaks extensively about the competition we imagine with other mothers and how it negatively affects us and our parenting. I did not really think I had any issues in that department until I read this book. Dr. Meeker made me aware of the subtle comparisons I make, and as I tell my littlest doll all the time – when we compare ourselves to someone else, someone always gets hurt. Either we deem ourselves superior and put the other person down in our estimation to keep it so, or we come up wanting and feel badly about ourselves. Dr. Meeker call us to see ourselves the way our kids see us. Who remembers their mom fondly for being thin or wrinkle free? No, we remember when she played with us, baked cookies with us and read us books. We found her beautiful for her heart. Or we remember her with sadness because she failed to show up at our games or ignored us, or snapped at us. Meeker’s practical writing and “Make the Habit Stick” applications make this read worth the time investment. I saw Meg Meeker speak at a conference this past spring. My husband read her book Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know several years ago. We both love her solid research and straight talk.
- Raising God’s Girl Rich and Mary Lou Graham (available at http://raisinggodsgirl.com/ or major booksellers). The Grahams have raised four girls to adulthood. They are inspiring! A mom and dad writing for moms and dads on the subjects that concern us most when trying to raise young ladies to love God and others. They run through a number of mini conversations typical between parents and daughters, then they run back through and tell you how you can do it better. I know I can use some advice on handling tough situations with my dolls where I have the potential to say something I will regret or miss a teachable moment. They share frankly from the heart. I met Mary Lou at the FPEA Homeschool Convention in Orlando this year and I bought the book from her because her passion for this subject touched my heart. I was not disappointed reading it!
- The Joy of Relationship Homeschooling: When the One Anothers Come Home Karen Campbell. I will confess that I almost done with this one. I bought the ebook version to save money, but the Kindle is often dominated by my Vintage Doll, all wrapped up in adventures with the March family or in the land of Oz. I am excited to finish it this weekend. But I have read enough to understand the value of this sweet lady’s point of view. She challenges us to view our children as brothers and sisters in Christ and to recognize that all the “one anothers”, those commands in scripture that tell us how to treat others, apply to our own kids. This is especially important when they are home with us all day!
If I had to pick only one to read, I would pick Raising God’s Girl and share the dad focused chapters with my not-so-reading-loving husband (which he loved, by the way, and has volunteered to read more of). What’s on your fall reading list?