My pregnancy progressed with characteristic morning sickness. We did not want to announce our pregnancy until we were past the first trimester. After an exciting announcement like a new baby, it is so difficult to announce a miscarriage. It was not easy to hide when I threw up several times a day. My husband finally convinced me to relent on the issue of medication. No medication during pregnancy was a very firm principle with my first two. I was overwhelmed with nausea and still having to keep up with the tight schedules of my older children. I tried Diclegis for a trial run on our vacation to Disney World. I finally felt good, so I continued. With my older daughters I had a few months recovery after the morning sickness passed, because I was so depleted from the ordeal. As soon as I was able to eat, I made up for lost time. I ate healthy, but I was hungry all of the time. Consequently, I gained quite a bit of weight. Imagine my surprise when I gained forty pounds only to give birth to a baby that weighed just shy of six pounds. I still carry 15 of those pounds around! But this time I had no recovery time, was able to keep running and exercising and eating continued normally. I never gained more than 20 pounds and continued running until I was almost eight months pregnant, when I slowed to a walk and finally a healthy sort of waddle.
Rockin’ pregnant at 42!
My fears about being pregnant at 42 never came to fruition. My blood pressure stayed steady. I did have to monitor my sugars carefully because we discovered my body did not like anything made with white flour. After my initial anger and frustration about pricking my finger and restrict my diet I was thankful to discover what it was my body could not process for future, non-pregnant reference. It was my easiest pregnancy. Aside from watching blood sugar and the genetic testing they strongly suggest you submit to, pregnancy after 40 was a non-issue. Part of it may have been my attitude that I had something to prove – I was going to rock being 42 and pregnant. I was the oldest gal in my prenatal yoga class. But that made me the wisest and most experienced. I was the oldest mom at prenatal appointments, but that made me the most comfortable and confident.
As I found it hard to hide my pregnancy from my closest friends – my co-op moms, during that first trimester, my dearest friend had her own surprise – she was pregnant, too! We had the same midwife and shared appointments. How gracious of God to arrange it so I shared this experience with my best friend. Then another friend followed suit. We were having a little co-op baby boom, which meant friends for my little one and co-op continuing far into the future.
When my husband I were headed to the ultrasound he mentioned that he hoped this was a girl. I was surprised. While we would be happy either way, I thought he would hope for a boy since we have two girls. But he expressed that he was confident in raising girls and would rather not learn something new at his age. There is nothing feminine about my husband, but he is an especially good girl dad. His sense of humor handles emotional outbursts well and helps him enjoy almost anything, including Pretty, Pretty Princess and the Bibbiddi Bobbidi Boutique. Sure enough, the ultrasound revealed our third girl.
We prepared for another home birth, a water birth to be exact. I had so many contractions that I was sure my little bundle would be on the early side of her due date. My husband took me on the loveliest babymoon to the Keys. My due date came and went. I finally went into labor about 4:00 a.m. on June 8th. I prayed for mercy. My daughters read me scripture and fed me Gatorade. My husband rubbed my back. My Rainbow Baby was born at 6:22 a.m. in a birth tub in my living room. She was born still in her amniotic sac, right into her daddy’s arms. It was quick, easy (as far as births go), and without complication. We dedicated our little angel to the Lord and are enjoying the sweetest baby ever.
My sister asked me if I had ever heard of a Rainbow baby. I had not. A Rainbow baby is one born after loss, like a rainbow shining through after a storm. My little girl is the sparkling burst of color in my arms after six miscarriages. Welcome, Rainbow Baby Doll!
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July 19, 2017Such a beautiful story!!!
Vickie Estler
July 19, 2017Oh Donielle, what precious Words of sharing, wisdom, and honor! What fortunate girlies have you and Gary‼️Blessings!😘