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How To Self-Publish a Book

  • September 9, 2016
  • By Donielle

Please welcome a guest blogger – My own darling doll!  She has self-published her book and is kindly sharing the how-to’s with you.

Reading On Ms. Mandy's Desk at the local library storytime

Reading On Ms. Mandy’s Desk at the local library storytime

How To Self-Publish a Book

Go to Create Space is a free Amazon self publishing company.

  1. Click ‘Sign Up’.
  2. Fill in all information, and click ‘Create My Account’.
  3. Go to ‘Member Dashboard’ and click ‘Add New Title’.
  4. Now you will have to enter the name of your project, whether it is a book, Audio CD, DVD, or mixed assortment.
  5. Fill in Title Information and click ‘Save and Continue’.
  6. Choose which ISBN choice is best for you. Some are free, and others aren’t. I advise the free one. Click ‘Save and Continue’.
  7. Choose paper color and size. Upload file. Click ‘Save and Continue’.
  8. Select a cover finish. Design a cover and upload it. Click ‘Save and Continue’.
  9. Review all your files. If you have to change it at all, you will have to submit it for review again, and it can take up to 24 hours. Click ‘Save and Continue’.
  10. The next steps will lead you through picking distribution channels, pricing your product, adding a product description, and optionally adding an Author Biography that will so up on the product sale page.
  11. If you are self publishing a book, it will then give you an option of also self-publishing a Kindle Edition. That is also free.


You can find my book, “On Ms. Mandy’s Desk” on

Thank you for your patronage!

By Donielle, September 9, 2016
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