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Gifts for homeschool moms and other awesome ladies! Giveaway!

  • November 26, 2018
  • By Donielle

I am busy creating my DIY Christmas gifts today. There is something very special about receiving – and giving – a gift that took time and effort to create. But, sometimes I do not have the time, materials or talent to re-create something amazing that I have seen.  When that happens, I like to support small businesses, especially mompreneurs, those hard-working ladies who also launch businesses on the side.

Silver and Birch


Two different “Homeschool Mom” keychains

That is why I have partnered with Silver & Birch to giveaway some gorgeous and unique keychains.  Momprenuer Diana hand stamps and engraves metal, wood, and found objects.  I love her recycled and upcycled gifts.  I am still trying to figure you what the difference between those two are.  Is upcycled when you make something cooler out of the original object?  Something more valuable?

Anyway, you can check out Diana’s Etsy shop SilverandBirch or on Instagram Silvernbirch.  We are giving away five cool keychains to Never A Doll Moment readers.  The first one is for the Homeschool Moms in your life.  You can give them to fellow co-op moms, your BFFs, or gift them to yourself.  If you did a science project, mummified a chicken, or made a salt map this week, you certainly deserve it.

“He Stole My Heart” keychain

The second keychain is a great gift for a wedding shower or gift for a sweetheart.  It says “He Stole My Heart”.  You can read some of my recent thoughts on marriage here.  Thoughts like how my eating choices reflect the health of my marriage.  Yeah.  Not fun.  Gonna put that leftover Thanksgiving pie away now.

The last one is for new moms, or parents of a “Rainbow Baby”.  In case you have never heard of a Rainbow Baby (like I had not before I had one), it is a baby that comes after a hard time (like a rainbow after a storm).  You can read my Rainbow Baby story (my surprise baby at age 42, after six miscarriages) here.  It is a cool story and she is a cool baby.  I’m not too old for this, dang it!  I ran 3 miles this morning!  I had to.  That’s how far away Starbucks is.


“Rainbow Baby” and “Worth the Wait” keychains for parents

  How to Enter the Giveaway!

There are two ways to win these beautiful keychains:

1.  Subscribe to this blog.  Go to the side panel and enter your email address to subscribe.  Easy!

2.  Comment on a post.  Find a post from this blog that you liked and tell me why.  Every comment is an entry and there are no limits on how many times you can enter!

A winner for each keychain will be drawn at random and notified by email on December 18, 2018.  I will try to give you the keychain you were hoping for, but first come, first serve for the five winners once notified.  Keychains will be mailed to winners that respond.

I am so excited to share these with you, just in time for Christmas gift giving!

By Donielle, November 26, 2018
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