We are just about finished cleaning up after Hurricane Irma. We evacuated and had lots to unpack, too. The power just came back on yesterday. And cleaning out the fridge was – well, disgusting. Now that we can calm down a bit, we are asking ourselves the same question so many South Floridians are asking – what do we do with all of these avocados? Irma hit during prime avocado season. The storm knocked so many of the fruits off of local trees. Our whole tree fell down. Guess I will not need this recipe next year. Avocados ripen quickly and do not last long. They cannot be dried or dehydrated and they cannot be canned. It is rumored that they can be frozen, but only peeled, with pits in the bag and preserved with some lemon juice or citric acid. I have never tried it personally.
So what does one do after the family is sick of guacamole? Chocolate pudding, of course. Now, before you dismiss me as crazy, I have successfully fed this to my non-avocado eating husband and daughter and they liked it. Just be sure not to tell them the ingredients until after the pudding is consumed! Hey, I had avocado ice cream the other day at Creams and Dreams, It was tasty, so I am not ruling it out of anything dessert anymore.
This is so simple that there is no excuse not to try it. Rather than giving you a recipe, I will give you a ratio: 1 Tablespoon sugar, 1 Tablespoon milk, and 1 Tablespoon cocoa powder per avocado. Blend avocado, sugar, and cocoa powder in your blender or food processor. Add whatever kind of milk you use, tablespoon at a time, until you get a pudding or mousse consistency. My Vita-Mix whips it up into a fluffy chocolate mousse. Tastes vary, so add more sugar if needed, to taste. Refrigerate until cold. You might serve it with a dollop of whipped cream. What doesn’t taste better with a dollop of whipped cream?
Let me know if you enjoyed it! And yes, I called avocado both a fruit and a veggie, but it is one of those technical fruits that taste like a veggie, so either way it is a win. Remember to pray for those suffering in the Keys and Caribbean in the hurricane aftermath tonight!
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