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DIY Recycled Glass Mosaic

  • April 14, 2019
  • By Donielle
DIY Recycled Glass Mosaic

I have a great home renovation project for you this week! The videos are from my sister’s youtube channel: Summer’s Closet. Several cool projects were included when we completely renovated the fixer-upper short sale we purchased. The final results were amazing, so we wanted to share a few of the more interesting projects with you, starting with this glass mosaic mural.

Glass Wall Mosaic from Sliding Glass Doors

The first reno project is a glass mosaic done on my bathroom wall, with a method invented by my sister, Danee Mason Stengel. It recycles old sliding glass doors and turns them into amazing works of art!

We wanted something really breathtaking in the bathroom that guests would use. It was really crummy and outdated and we had stripped out everything, to the studs. We chose tile and paint in shades that reminded me of sand along the Space Coast. My grandmother had a condo in Cocoa Beach when I was a kid. I loved running along the dark, hard-packed sand that indeed looked like it was sprinkled with cocoa powder. It was very different from my grainy Gold Coast sand only a few hours south.

My sister had done recycled glass mosaic as a kitchen backsplash, a tropical scene, and I loved it. She thought it was doable on a larger scale along one wall of the big bathroom. And so we dove in!

The Process

First, an old sliding glass door was painted with the colors of glass we wanted to use. Our color scheme was shades of blue and gold, a little glitter thrown in, and whites for clouds and sea foam. While the paint dried on the glass we roughly sketched our picture in pencil on the wall.

The next day we gently, wearing goggles and gloves, hammered the safety glass for a crackled effect. This produces many different sized pieces. Then we sorted the cracked glass by color, into shallow tubs.

We began gluing the pieces where we wanted them on the wall, to create the mural. We used tile adhesive to adhere the glass pieces to the wall. This part was labor intensive! I let my daughters help while wearing thick work gloves. That was a three morning project. Our design was loose copy of The Great Wave Off Kanagawa by Hokusai. It is one of our favorite paintings, and a perfect theme for a bathroom.

After the mosaic design was completed, we grouted the spaces in between the glass, just as you would do for tile. We washed and finished the grout the same as tile, as well.

You can watch a video of the process below!

For other renovations, you can view our homeschool room redo here.

By Donielle, April 14, 2019
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