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92 Articles
Creative in God’s Image

Creative in God’s Image

Ephesians 4:24: Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. The image of God is shockingly absent in all other world religions.  In Judaism it is an unfulfilled image.  Images of God are suspect in every way in Islam, so to examine what it means to be an image bearer…

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By Donielle, September 30, 2024
Becoming a Party Family!

Becoming a Party Family!

Psalm 118:24 This is the very day God acted – let’s celebrate and be festive! (MSG)  Shirley Dobson quotes her husband, Dr. James Dobson in her book Let’s Make a Memory, “The great value of traditions comes as they give a family a sense of identity, a belongingness.  All of us desperately need to feel that we’re not…

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By Donielle, June 24, 2024
To My Daughter on Her Highschool Graduation

To My Daughter on Her Highschool Graduation

Dear Summer, What an busy last couple of months it has been! And I am so excited to see what the future holds for my wise, funny, intelligent, creative, nurturing, kind, loving, talented, and beautiful daughter. Remember when we sang to each other, whole conversations, instead of talking? Okay, so maybe that was the other…

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By Donielle, May 22, 2024
Teaching Kids to Trust God

Teaching Kids to Trust God

Did you grow up with the same hymn that I did Trust and Obey? “There’s no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.”  So if we love that idea, why is it so difficult to put into action? What is it about motherhood that increases our anxieties? What is it…

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By Donielle, March 15, 2024
Teaching Kids to Abide in Jesus

Teaching Kids to Abide in Jesus

Abide is a word kids only hear at church. It means to stay with, stick around, remain, or follow. How do we stay with, stick around, remain in or follow Jesus? Jesus prayed by himself and with his disciples, he knew the scriptures so well that he could quote them, and he was always obedient to…

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By Donielle, January 12, 2024
What will she say next?

What will she say next?

Since my most popular post of last year features the sometimes clever, sometimes alarming, always hilarious things my small child says, I figured I would give you a round 2 to start your new year with a smile full of Say Whats?. Here are a few more of my favorites sayings from the six year…

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By Donielle, January 3, 2024
Teaching Kids Peace

Teaching Kids Peace

What is our goal as Christian moms?  Because the wrong goal sets us off on the wrong course. What if my goal is to have a happy, peaceful home?  This sounds reasonable. Anger is blocked goals, right?  Who in your family is able to block that picturesque goal of peace?  Every one of your children…

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By Donielle, October 21, 2023
Kids with Old Parents Say the Darndest Things

Kids with Old Parents Say the Darndest Things

Wanna hear something funny? Kids with older parents are the best!

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By Donielle, October 6, 2023
Flourishing at Home

Flourishing at Home

Every year we take our children to the pediatrician for a check-up. The first thing they do is check height and weight for normal growth. They have a chart to see what percentile each kid is in. Part of our job as parents is to make sure our children are flourishing, growing and thriving. So…

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By Donielle, September 4, 2023
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Raising Bold Kids in a Scary World

Raising Bold Kids in a Scary World

Parenting tips on raising bold kids. Includes a summer reading book list!

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By Donielle, June 11, 2023
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