February is here! The groundhog has seen his shadow, the Girl Scouts are peddling cookies, and Valentines hearts are everywhere. I would like to add one more blessing to this short, but festive month. In honor of Black History Month, my students have created a short, educational play, based on The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass. In Douglass’ autobiography he focuses on the realities of slavery. I will discuss this more when you Read With Me The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass.
My co-op is staging a performance of the play this month. Even a reader’s theater read-through will provide a great deal of information on Frederick Douglas and on slavery. Enjoy using this resource freebie with your family, co-op, or class. Let us know how you used it! My students will be excited to know their hard work is educating other students about this remarkable man.
The Narrative on the Life of Fred. Doug. Play Acts 1-4 (1)
History.com has information on this amazing American. You can find more on his autobiography, The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass here. What great resources have you found for black history month? Please share in the comments so we can all benefit!
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