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Anchoring Kids in God’s Word

  • November 26, 2022
  • By Donielle
Anchoring Kids in God’s Word

It is the responsibility of the parents, not the church, to ground children in God’s word. Kids typically spend only 52 hours per year with their church leaders. Parents spend roughly 5,824 hours a year with their children. We know WHO is supposed to do it.  Now HOW do we anchor our children in God’s Word?

Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you, and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on your city gates.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7. (The Message)

God’s Curriculum

People ask me what Bible to curriculum to use. I wrote an adorable little devotional for toddlers, called Playtime with Jesus. But my answer is anything that complements God’s curriculum, outlined in the verses above! God’s curriculum is simple and easy – just talk about His Word!

Talk about it when we walk.  We may not walk a lot with our kids. Nowadays we drive in the car – that’s a captive audience! God knows we will never find time for His Word. We have to make time. Corrie ten Boom once said that if the devil can’t make us bad, he’ll make us busy.  If God’s Word is not a priority now, when will it ever be?

You might find this guideline helpful for reading the Bible (or anything else) with kids: one minute of attention span for every year of age. The first time you hear something, you remember only 10%. Each time increases memory exponentially. I read each Bible story at least two nights in a row. I ask my little one to tell me the story back or we read it again a third night.  Narration is the best measure of comprehension.

The Lie

Model a rhythm of daily Bible reading for your kids. Here’s the biggest issue I see for teens and consistent Bible reading: Teenagers have believed this lie of the Devil: “When I am older, I will read my Bible every day. I will pray every day.  It will be easier then! In fact, if a man practices not reading his Bible and praying for the first eighteen years of his life, he will simply become good at not reading his Bible and praying. He will be a professional Bible non-reader, non-prayer.”  Educator and writer Josh Gibbs is absolutely correct here. Solid habits are best formed young!

The time is now! I have collected these ideas from author Luke Gilkerson, from Focus on the Family, and from my 20 years mom experience!

Ideas to get you started


Meditate on God’s word (Psalm 46:10).  To meditate on God’s word is to be still and let it soak in.  It also means to memorize it and repeat it to ourselves. Have Scripture memory contests!  For my kids I had a trip to Universal as a prize for several chapters memorized.  If Scripture keeps us from sinning, what is that worth to you?

Use the arts

Try some art work. Encourage them to doodle fancy pictures, or little cartoons. There are beautiful Bibles with wide margins for doodling. Act out the reading like a play while you read, with costumes and props, if they choose. My kid love this! Help them put the words to song. Relate Bible reading to something that God has given your kids enthusiasm for!

Keep a notebook

Encourage your kids to identify words, phrases, or even themes they discover during their Bible reading time, in a notebook they like. My older girls have learned to identify when God is trying to tell them something, making note of when a verse or theme keeps coming up over and over again.

Use history

Connect what your child reads with history. The Bible tells of real things that happened. Kids should understand some of the historical context of what they are reading. Just like visiting an historical place is the best way to understand what happened there, seeing pictures and maps brings a new level of understanding.

Read aloud

Read it out loud! I was reading from Egermeier’s Bible story book the story of Onesimus, the runaway slave. My little one asked what a slave is.  I said a slave is made to work with no pay, the master claims to own them and tells the slave what to do and they have to do it.  She said, “Oh, so its kinda like being baby sat?” God’s Word is relatable, even to little ones!  Though I’m going to have to check up on that babysitter.


337692: NLT Hands-On Bible, SoftcoverNLT Hands-On Bible, Softcover
By Tyndale House


Jesus taught with hands-on lessons and illustrations. The Hands-On Bible uses the same experience-based learning to communicate God’s Word in an active, understandable way. This new edition features updated tip-ins, a more portable size for kids, an attractive cover, and online parenting helps. With hundreds of fun, memorable activities (A “Do-It” activity in EVERY feature!) and the full New Living Translation text, the Hands-On Bible is packed with activities and experiences that invite kids to crawl inside the Scriptures and “do” God’s Word.

Explorer Bible for Kids (references archaeological studies)

173364: Egermeier"s Bible Story Book, softcoverEgermeier’s Bible Story Book, softcover
By Elsie Egermeier, Clive Uptton / Warner Press


Egermeier’s Bible Story Book has sold nearly three million copies and continues to be America’s favorite Bible story book. It has 312 stories that cover the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Younger children will sit spellbound as you read these stories to them. Older children who read for themselves will return to Egermeier’s again and again as a trusted friend. Beauty and simplicity of style invites the meaning of the Bible into the child’s heart and mind to become an active part of his life, and to never to be forgotten.

Parents, teachers, and ministers find Egermeier’s Bible Story Book invaluable as an aid in the total development of children. It is free of doctrinal bias, and covers the entire Bible in chronological order, giving readers a better understanding of Bible history. You’ll also find 112 full page, full color illustrations by well-known British artist Clive Uptton. Recommended for ages 5 and up.

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus family Bible study

How to Study Your Bible, for Kids – Discover 4 Yourself Series
By Kay Arthur & Janna Arndt / Harvest House Publishers

Put on your deerstalker hat, grab your magnifying glass, and join the M-and-M Detective Agency to discover what the Bible is all about! In this inductive study, your 9- to 12-year-olds will examine the scene (context); interpret clues (who, what, where, why, and when); unscramble secret messages (memory verses); and use their walkie-talkies (prayer). 185 pages, softcover from Harvest.

Bible Memory Project

Playtime with Jesus A Devotional for Babies and Toddlers 

396888: Drive Thru History 4 Volume DVD Pack, Volumes 1-4Drive Thru History 4 Volume DVD Pack, Volumes 1-4
By Dave Stotts / Zondervan


Take an inspiring journey to the Holy Land! With Dave Stotts as your guide, you’ll learn about pivotal locations of our faith, including Egypt, Jericho, the Dead Sea, Samaria, Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives. Whirlwind on-site exploration, animation, and narration make these DVDs captivating and informative! Four DVDs, approx. 85 minutes each.

By Donielle, November 26, 2022
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